Co-Creating Emerging Future
International Telesummit October 26th – November 1st, 2017
You missed the telesummit? – You may get access to all recordings right here!
Good News! – They are among us …
The Designers of the Emerging Future
As global transformation accelerates, more and more people are called to participate in creating a more conscious world. The models and structures that once served society well now appear outdated and in desperate need of change. The awareness of this fundamental global shift is increasing over time.
Awareness is a first necessary step for inducing transformation, yet, it needs more.
Our passion is to support those people who feel called to take action in facilitating and co-creating this great shift to a regenerative world.
With the “Designers of the Emerging Future” we invite you to join an inspiring field of international activists from different societal fields who are engaged in this global shift in consciousness.
Through life-affirming narratives given by our guests we strive to inspire you as you feel the connection between the emerging future, the creative impulse and one´s higher purpose.
By highlighting on the intersection between inner dimension and outer engagement of the speakers we make it easier to recognize the overarching principles and the competencies underlying such a way of being and working. With this we aspire to encourage you to release your creative force for designing your own path.
The summit features evolutionary activists, who will be offering insights, new research, practices in the fields of Leadership, Arts, New Technology, Social Media, Education, Architecture, Societal Evolution, Politics
Anja C. Wagner
Anja C. Wagner, Germany, deals with user experience and educational politics in the process of digital transformation. In the last two decades, she managed a lot of digital education projects.
Daniel Eppling
Daniel Eppling, France, Chief Innovation Officer at Krauthammer, 25 years of international leadership experience spanning many sectors and industries. The project he is most proud of is the program ‘connected inspiration, leadership from within’.
Jean Clauteaux
Jean Clauteaux, Venezuelan-French, born in Paris. Founder, strategical thinker, family man, disruptor, investor. In 2015, with his brother in law, James Aschehoug, he created a startup ¨Uriji Jami¨ to unite people of goodwill to change the world.
Mariana Carranza
Mariana Carranza, Uruguay / Germany. Study of architecture at University of Montevideo. Early involvement with dance and choreography. Working with new technologies since 1988, focusing on the creation of interactive spaces.
Terence Kohler
Terence Kohler, born in Sydney, Australia, is currently the Director of the International Summer School Initiative in Sydney, Australia, and teaches internationally both classical ballet and mindfulness dance.
Helen Titchen Beeth
Helen Titchen Beeth, British/ Belgium, has been active as a change agent inside the European Commission for 30 years. Initially employed as a linguist and editor, for the past 12 years she has been engaged with others in creating the conditions for the emergence of collective wisdom.
Julian Still
Julian Still, Belgium, Practitioner in complex systems, intervention design, storyteller and teacher. Specialized in complex human systems, embodied navigation, collective emergence and non deterministic interventions.
Andrea Harding
Andrea Harding, UK/ USA, is the co-founder of the S7 Foundation who are developing a social technology platform to empower a new co-creative lifestyle for the ‘alpha generation’.
Markus Molz
Markus Molz, Luxembourg, is devoted to transformative higher education as a system innovation which is catalyzing consciousness development, social well-being, and the sustainability transition.
Markus serves as Coordinator of the nextRenaissance initiative, Knowledge & Learning Coordinator of ECOLISE, Partner of the Leadership for Transition Strategic Partnership, Council Member of Transition Luxembourg, Co-founder and Board Member of the Institute for Integral Studies, and Associate Editor of the journal Integral Review.
Vittoria Zipoli
Vittoria Zipoli, Italy/ Philippines, is a certified professional Coach and since an early age, a curious enquirer on what makes people tick, think and make sense of their world. Her focus is on personal development, inner alignment, mindfulness, leadership, cultural awareness and being at home with change.
Bence Ganti
Bence Ganti, Hungaria/ USA, is an integrally oriented clinical psychologist, Vipassana meditator and a catalyst for people in positive change. He is the co-originator of the Integral European Conference (IEC) and creator of Integral Flow Experience group process that invites people to experience the full transformative potential of higher we-space.
Marina Weisband
Marina Weisband, Ukraine/ Germany, was born in 1987 in Kiev, Ukraine. Her family moved to Germany in 1993 within the quota refugees regulation. From 2011 to 2012, she was the political director of the Piratenpartei Deutschland. In 2012, she did not stand for re-election in order to write her psychology thesis on the value systems of Ukrainian children. Her political focus is on education and citizens participation.
Her recent book „Wir nennen es Politik” (published by Tropen-Verlag in 2013) describes the opportunities for new democratic forms using the Internet.
Since 2014, she has been directing a political education project at the „politik-digital e.V“ association („aula“), regarding liquid-democratic participation of pupils in the rule-making and general affairs of their schools.
Our Special Guest
Prof. Linda Groff, USA, is Director Global Options and Evolutionary Futures Consulting. Emeritus Professor, Political Science & Futures Studies, California State University, where she taught for over 40 years. She teaches, writes, consults, and gives talks/workshops in the USA and globally, on global futures, evolution, intercultural dialogue, spiritual/ consciousness, unity/diversity topics.
Forthcoming Book: Options for Future Human Evolution.
What to expect
These are the topics we have chosen to bring to your attention. They all are part of the field that supports transformational change.
Notice: Daylight saving time ends at that very weekend in Europe.
Thursday October 26th, 7pm, CEST | Individual and collective Transformation
Bence Ganti, Hungary Host: Ingrid Schneider |
Friday October 27th, 7pm, CEST | Education
Markus Molz, Luxembourg
Host: Bettina Geiken |
Saturday October 28th, 7pm, CEST | Arts
Mariana Carranza, Uruguay
Host: Claudine Villemot-Kienzle |
Sunday October 29th, 11am, CET | Leadership and Diversity
Daniel Eppling, France
Host: Claudine Villemot-Kienzle |
Monday October 30th, 7pm, CET | Politics
Marina Weisband, Germany
Host: Ingrid Schneider |
Tuesday October 31st, 7pm, CET | Society and New Technologies
Jean Clauteaux, Venezuela/ France
Host: Bettina Geiken |
Wednesday November 1st, 7pm, CET | Competences for co-designing our Futures
Prof. Linda Groff Hosts: Bettina Geiken, Ingrid Schneider, Claudine Villemot |
With the ZOOM webinar technology you are invited to join our one week event. Our guests will engage in each session in a co-creative dialogue for about 45 minutes. After that time we’ll open the floor to your questions and engage you to participate with your thoughts and impulses to the topic of that very day. Sessions will last about 75 minutes.
Following the sessions we invite you to join our interactive facebook group for further dialogue.
ZOOM technology allows you to join from your computer, mobile devices or telephone after registration.
Stay in contact
The telesummit is a piece of a bigger process of encouraging people to co-create a regenerative and life-affirming future. With this telesummit we intend to stimulate this process, which could live on in many different ways afterwards, some of which will emerge during the telesummit itself and will be presented here on this website.
Your first step may be just to stay in contact or even get interested in learning more. In this case we recommend you our new page – what’s next
About us / Center for Human Emergence
Who is offering this telesummit?
Hosts of this special event are
Bettina Geiken
Bettina Geiken, German/ Belgium, combines an education as a natural scientist, the structuredness of an EU-project manager and the heart-felt inspiration of a trainer for personal leadership with the systemic and evolutionary view on life and the consciousness that guides it.
Ingrid Schneider
Ingrid Schneider, Germany, works and describes herself as Social Architect, a person who creates conditions and enables transformational change in complex situations. She brings this quality to her work with the CHE as well as in her other professional work.
Living in a world that is facing major global challenges she is inspired by the idea that we as human species can support the paradigm shift that’s needed to grow to our full human potential.
Claudine Villemot-Kienzle
Claudine Villemot-Kienzle, French/ Germany, Social architect, facilitator and consultant for transculturalism and value systems in organizational and global contexts. Co-Founder of the Center for Human Emergence, Germany – Austria – Switzerland, an organization for designing societal evolution and shaping the future of cultures based on an integral and holistic approach.
Certified “Agent of Conscious Evolution” by Barbara M. Hubbard.
She also works as a choreographer and artistic director. She is co-founder of the „artLAB Cénacle de fous“ an artist lab, that commits to overarching, interdisciplinary research and experimental design beyond the established artistic divisions.
We are members of the Center for Human Emergence D.A.CH. And we are dedicated to support you in building evolutionary competencies to easily navigate complex human ecosystems!
For further information about our work go to